Based on the Čas za slovenščino 1 textbook set, the project has developed a comprehensive interactive learning material for initial learning of Slovene, which provides learners (the target audience is adolescents learning Slovene as a second and foreign language) with a high-quality and enjoyable learning experience of Slovene language. The interactive learning material is supported by a clickable A1 core vocabulary list with lexical information i.e. a glossary for speakers of Slovene as a second and foreign language.

The dictionary for speakers of Slovene as a second and foreign language is intended for learners of Slovene as a second and foreign language. It includes the vocabulary that speakers are expected to acquire at A1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language skills. The vocabulary is supplemented with user-tailored grammatical, semantic and multimedia information, which includes the translation of the cue into three foreign languages – English, Albanian (as the language most distant from Slovene spoken by immigrant learners) and Hungarian (as the language most distant from Slovene spoken in the Slovene overseas). It is a growing dictionary, the first of its kind for foreign speakers in Slovenia, which in its current version contains a limited number of cues (991) and has been developed with the idea that in the future it can be systematically supplemented and upgraded with more complex semantic information relevant to speakers of Slovene as a second and foreign language at higher levels of language proficiency (A2-C1). The model of the article contains the following elements: the lemma or cue, information about the word type of the cue, the translation of the cue into English, Hungarian and Albanian, a meaning indicator, collocations and real sentence examples. The dictionary is also supported by audiovisual elements: an audio recording of the cue (in Slovene) and, in places, a pictorial explanation of the cue or a photograph.

More information can be found here.