Sloleks Morphological Lexicon of Slovene

The Sloleks Morphological Lexicon of Slovene contains essential information on Slovene words, e.g. their part-of-speech category and their grammatical features. For each word, the database also contains all its inflected forms. All word form have been assigned accents and IPA transcriptions using automatic methods (using the eBralec speech synthesis system).


In accordance with the concept of the responsive dictionary, the Sloleks 2.0 interface allows users to contribute to the database and help improve it in several ways: by up- or downvoting accented word forms, IPA transcriptions or their recordings, by reporting a missing accent pattern for a given headword, and by adding user recordings of headword pronunciation


The Sloleks lexicon is intended both for language users who can browse the database through an online interface and find information on the inflectional, grammatical, and accentual features of Slovene word forms, as well as for developers of language technology applications (such as speech recognizers and synthesizers, accent assignment systems, inflection generators, morphosyntactic taggers) and researchers in linguistics.


Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana
Večna pot 113, SI-1000 Ljubljana